Casual - WoW Guild - Genjuros -

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Casual - WoW Guild - Genjuros -

Public forum for World of warcraft players

    Raiding in general !!!!!!!! Rules and obligations


    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2008-11-30

    Raiding in general !!!!!!!!  Rules and obligations Empty Raiding in general !!!!!!!! Rules and obligations

    Post  Admin Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:58 pm

    On wednesdays we normally do guildruns to Vault heroic and normal to start with. The groups will form as soon as we have wintergrasp and people are online!!

    Early in the evening (hours variate of people being online) a naxxramas 10 man will form and if enough people online a 2nd naxxramas raid later that evening (mostly around 6-7pm server time)

    We will not put up signups for these raids at this moment, this could or will change in the future!

    Your best chance on getting invited to the raids without signups is being prepared: Meaning you have more then enough foodbuffs on you (20+) 2 types of elixirs or flasks, working ventrilo and you know tactics!

    For example of what i bring on priest to raids: 60 food buffs, 3 types of elixirs (each 1 stack -> 20) 5 flasks, this lasts for 1 week raiding give or take.


    Please note that officers are trying to arrange raid times and days concidering EVRY guildmember his needs...also notice that this takes time to perfect!! Help us by reminding he officers / guildleaders that your raid hours may variate and ask us for different raid hours / days or switch raid sometimes to other weekdays / weekends because officers and guildleaders have a LOT on their minds (forum, leading raids, answering lots of wispers !!! raid setups, following up on members progress in gear, etc... dont think all we do is raid and have fun!

    So please respect us when we are brb, dnd or afk. We will try and respond asap. And if we dont in 5 mins please wisper us again. (we sometimes get more then 10 wisps on logging alone)

      Current date/time is Sun May 19, 2024 2:15 pm